18th WFTGA Convention, Tbilisi, Georgia, January 2019

18th WFTGA Convention, Tbilisi, Georgia, January 2019

SAGA has succsesfully hosted 18th WFTGA Convention, Tbilisi, Georgia 2019, right of which we won in Tehran, Iran, in 2017 with competitors such as New York and Thailand.

During the 3 weeks of Convention, we hosted over 300 International participants, Tourist Guides and Tourism professionals from 57 Countries.

The primary goal of this conference was to bring together global Tourist Guides and tourism professionals as well as friends and partners from around the world in an open dialogue, under one roof to discuss the issues facing our profession and to create better strategies for a better development.
During the Convention there were:

  • WFTGA’s 18th General Assembly including new WFTGA ExBo and next Convention host elections; 
  • 3 Plenary Sessions;
  • Numerous Workshops;
  • Meetings of ExBo and Training Division;
  • 7 different Tbilisi city tours;
  • Pre and Post Convention tours in East and West Georgia;
  • Educational and entertaining lectures and much more.